office (513) 697-9003
fax (513) 697-9004

11906 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45249

Hours: Mon 8:30am-5:30pm | Tue 2pm-7pm | Wed 8:30am-5:30pm | Thur 8:30am-5:30pm | Fri 8:30am-3pm | Sat/Sun Closed

The Grand Opening Celebration of
Premier Animal Wellness and Surgery Hospital

If you made it to our Grand Opening Celebration on September 25th, 2010, you know what fun we all had.
If you were unable to attend, please take a few moments to browse around and see some of the highlights of the event.

above-Our friend Zeus checking out the box-o-biscuits at the registration table

above-animal communicator Donetta sharing a pets' thoughts with her owner

above-The Dave McMahan Trio laying down some cool grooves

above-Cookies for breakfast? Oh yeah! (Don't tell Mom)

above-Dr. McMahan talking to one of our patients' parents